
Good News!!!

Hola a todos!! pues en esta ocasion traigo varias noticias! empezamos...

La primera es que este blog y el foro http://mcfly-mx.forumotion.net/ que administra Tonny, ya estan fusionados! ya solo somos uno! aun no se si se creara otra pagina, lo unico que se es que yo seguire a cargo del club de fans! y Tonny llevara el foro y la pagina que creemos, con noticias, eventos etc...

La ultima noticia y creo que es la mejor es que ya me puse en contacto con los chicos de McFly y su disquera Super Records, hoy me contestaron un mensaje que les mande por cierto ayer! se han portado muy atentos y lo unico que nos interesa es que kieren venir!! aki les dejo los mensajes para que los lean !! :)

Este es el mensaje que yo les mande:

Hi there! I'm Mitzi, i'm the president of McFlY Mexico.
When you changed the record company i lost the contact with you!
I want to make this club official in Mexico!! I want to speak with someone!
i need to know what i have to do for make official this club! We don't have long time but we are many fans!! and we want to support us!!
we are the only fan club in mexico!
we had been doing activities for example send letters to the magazines, radio, tv to promote the fan club and obviously you guys!!I have the activities in video and photos if you want to see us in action!!well, my mail is mcflymex@hotmail.com
I wait for answer!!
We want to make official our club!!

atte: mitzi

Y ellos me contestaron esto:

we can't designate anything as official in mexico yet but thanks for everything you are doing! keep us posted on everything happening in Mexico
we want to come there!


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